Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Yale President Speaks

The Yale Eline today includes this from the President, finally speaking about the Special Programs at Yale under which the Yale Taliban got on campus.

Statement of Richard C. Levin regarding Yale's Special Student Programs

President Richard C. Levin '74 PhD has announced that a review of Yale's non-degree and degree-granting Special Student Programs has raised questions as to whether the programs' admissions practices have been consistent with the established criteria and the standard that should prevail for Yale. As a next step, Levin said he and the dean of Yale College will convene a subcommittee to define admissions criteria for the programs that are consistent with the high standards and moral purposes of a leading institution of higher learning.

He continues to say "Our review has raised questions whether the admissions practices of the non-degree Special Student Program have been consistent with the published criteria, let alone the standard that should prevail."

You can read the whole statement here.

It sounds as if they will ask the Taliban to go elsewhere, but this is Yale, however, so common sense may not apply.

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